Pitzer in Ecuador Semester Program

Photo of historic city center of Quito

Historic center of Quito, Ecuador

The Pitzer in Ecuador program provides a dynamic setting for studying the Ecuadorian economic, political, cultural, and environmental reality. It is affiliated with the Academia Latinoamericana de Español and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), considered the top university in the country. 

The program is based in Quito, one of the most beautiful cities in South America. Quito was founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city and stands at an altitude of 2,850 m (9350 feet). In 1978, UNESCO designated Quito as a world cultural heritage site, ensuring the preservation of some of the most impressive colonial-era architecture in Latin America. 

Eligibility and Prerequisites

  • Students must be in good academic standing and have a 2.0 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Prior Spanish language study and/or coursework is required
  • Pitzer students and non-Pitzer undergraduate students are able to participate

Program Dates

  • Fall: Early to mid-August to late-December
  • Spring: Early to mid-January to late May

Courses & Credits

Core Course: Ecuador, an Andean Country1.04
Independent Study Project1.04
-Students at beginning and intermediate levels of Spanish take intensive Spanish at Academia Latinoamericana de Español and one class at USFQ that is less language intensive. 
-Students with an advanced level of Spanish will take two regular university courses at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) in Spanish. 


Program Information

Core Course 

All students will participate in the program’s core course, Ecuador: un país Andino, which integrates all components of the program, including lectures, study trips, involvement in a local community organization and the family stay. It offers an important framework for understanding the social, political, economic, and environmental issues in Ecuador. The core course is taught in Spanish by the program director, using a sheltered approach that is appropriate for all language levels, and that allows students to engage fully in the ideas and issues covered in the classroom and the readings. 

To gain firsthand experience with issues explored in the core course, students spend at least 6 hours a week participating in a service-learning experience with a local organization. Partners include organizations such as Proyecto Transgenero, Hospital De Niños “Baca Ortiz”, MUCE – Museo Universitario, and Centro Educativo Intercultural Bilingüe Yachay Wasi. 

Independent Study Project

All students will complete an Independent Study Project (ISP) which will allow students to take one topic of special interest and explore it in depth. The independent study project for this program will be an ethnographic study culminating in a major paper written in Spanish for students with advanced Spanish proficiency and in English for students with beginning or intermediate Spanish proficiency. Project locations will be limited to areas within Quito.

Other Coursework

  • Beginner/Intermediate Spanish Levels: Students at beginning and intermediate levels will take one language or culture course at Academia Latinoamericana de Español, a premier language institution in Quito. In addition to the course at Academia, students at will take one class that is less language intensive (yoga, dance, cooking, art, etc.) at USFQ.
  • Advanced and Heritage Spanish Levels: Students with advanced Spanish or heritage level proficiency will take two university courses (fully in Spanish) at USFQ with the support of the Oficina de Programas Internacionales. To research course options, visit the USFQ course catalogue. The opportunity to take courses alongside Ecuadorian peers is a great way to improve language and understand higher education in South America, specifically within the Ecuadorian context. 

Program Team

No profile image for Sebastián Granda Merchán

Sebastián Granda Merchán

  • Program Director, Pitzer in Ecuador
No profile image for Viviana Mosquera Ampudia

Viviana Mosquera Ampudia

  • Community Services Coordinator, Pitzer in Ecuador